Full -Day "Geosynthetics Engineering" Workshop
Sponsored By:
- Geosynthetic Materials Association - IFAI
- Geosynthetics Institute (GI)
- Geo-Institute of ASCE
- American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
Presiding Officer:
Prof. Dr. HAN-YONG JEON, Inha University, Korea
Dr. Han-Yong Jeon is a Prof. of Inha University, Incheon, Korea(Rep.). and a geosynthetics/technical organic materials researcher. He was the 32nd President of Korean Fiber Society (2014~2015) and the 6th President of Korean Geosynthetics Society (2011~2013). He has published more than 890 proceedings and abstracts in domestic and international conferences. His research is focused on the Manufacturing, Application and Evaluation of Technical Organic Materials/ Manufacturing, Evaluation, Standardization & Regulation of Geosynthetics/Environmental and Structural Polymeric Composites etc. He wrote 21 texts including 'GEOSYNTHETICS’ and also published 149 papers in domestic & international journals. He has awards of Marquis Who'sWho-Science and Engineering in 2003~2018 and also, he got the 33rd Academy Award of Korean Fiber Society in 2006 and “Excellent Paper Award of 2012” by The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies etc.